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Legend says that many years ago a terrible sickness came over the village of the Multnomah people and many lost their lives. An old medicine man of the tribe told the Chief of the Multnomahs that a pure and innocent maiden must go to a high cliff above the Big River and throw herself on the rocks below and the sickness would leave at once. The Chief did not want to ask any maiden to make the sacrifice. But, when the Chief’s daughter saw the sickness on the face of her lover, she went to the high cliff and threw herself on the rocks below and the sickness went away. As a token of the maiden’s welcome by the Great Spirit, a stream of water, silvery white, streamed over the cliff and broke into a floating mist along its face. Even today, if you carefully watch, the maiden’s face can be seen in the upper waterfall as the breeze gently rustles the watery strands of her silken hair.
That is the story of the Falls that plunge from Multnomah. This is the story of a maiden, her lover, and the spirit that lives on between them for all time.
Kaiya, The Bearer of the Ivory Moon is now called to pass its power onto Snow Brook, who is not yet ready to hold it. Before the Great Voice can be Spoken, Kaiya must rely on her love, White Thunder, to find the two savage warriors who have seized the young Shadow Wood. Together, they struggle to spare the boy from those who want to destroy the Sounds of the Talker. To save the Clan of the Multnomah People, Kaiya must merge with the forces of the Voice, and then relinquish her power, at whatever cost.
Story of a Maiden
a novel by Anna Kavanaugh
Release Data
Title: Multnomah, Story of a Maiden
ISBN 1-933621-43-5/ISBN13 978-1-933621-43-2
Author: Anna Kavanaugh
Published by: CallahanCroft Publishing
Latest Publication: 08-09 pp 483
Copyright Origin: USA
Circulation Region: United States and Canada
Bowker Status: Trade Paper: Retired Trade Cloth: Retired Binding: Trade Cloth/Trade Paper
Additional Releases: Inclusive within The Anna Kavanaugh Collection - Boxed Set Collector Editions The Six Novel Series (ISBN 1-933621-03-6/ISBN13 978-1-933621-03-6
Most recent issue: Third printing Sales information: This title has been retired with exception. Should additional printings of this work become available, they will be exclusively released within The Anna Kavanaugh Collection - Boxed Set Collector Editions - The Six Novel Series.